Academic Research and Testing
A department still in development and being made available for studying areas of interest. This is our R & D section, providing space, time, resources, discussions, and experiments necessary to explore scientific and industry hypotheses.
We will maintain professional journals and publications and will actively seek to fill the shelves and drives with significant text and media.
Our lab space will contain and acquire equipment needed to provide accurate studies of matter and matter interactions.
Publications will be linked on this site as they become available.
Current Projects/Studies
(1) Now providing an advanced robotic platform for educational experiences in programming, sensors, kinematics, AI, and human-robot interaction and services.
(2) Looking in to setting up a robotics team using the FIRST system. Contact us if there is an interest in either being a student or parent participant.
(3) Producing an Arduino-based fireworks controller and rig for next year’s 4th of July. This could potentially be a public event.
(1) A Helpful Measure of Failure: Making Gains Using Poor Pitcher Performance.
(2) A Regional Atmospheric Voltage Mapping for Detection and Exploration.
Completed Projects/Studies